This is Pushkar Nath, Sujata's Data Security Specialist. This blog is for CXOs in Manufacturing Industry to understand what data security threats are around us and how to keep the data safe from the threats.
Let me know if you have any concerns around the data security or you can get a free check up of your IT infrastructure and processes set for accessing the critical data within your organization from me and my team in Sujata.
Pushkar Nath
This is Pushkar Nath, Sujata's Data Security Specialist. This blog is for CXOs in Manufacturing Industry to understand what data security threats are around us and how to keep the data safe from the threats.
In today’s tech savvy world, where systems are
getting automated, it is leaving vulnerable points which render an organization
prone to data leak. We will do critical analysis sector wise to pinpoint the
leak points and ways to plug them. Today I am picking up manufacturing sector
for critical analysis
End Users – It can be anyone designing team, people
from R&D department, data entry executive, receptionist etc. There is
possibility of malware infection through internet and spreading it in local
area network and crashing down the entire network. Apart from that it might be
possible that they might try to send documents or critical organization data
through USB, mails or web. This can be prevented by using Antiviruses, data
loss prevention, web and Messaging gateway protection. Hard disc, file and
folder and removable USB level Encryption
Accounts/Finance Department – This department handles one of the most
critical assignments of an organization and that is to manage the entire
financial dealing and transactions. Any leakage of financial details might
prove detrimental to the organization. This department is prone to phishing
attack. . Antiviruses, data loss prevention, web and messaging gateway protection, Hard disc, file and
folder and removable USB level Encryption
endpoint to endpoint encryption with two factor authentication will
provide adequate security to this department.
Human Resource department – Human resource department has under its
possession entire record of the employees. As manufacturing sector is labour
intensive sector so every company has long list of labours doing blue collar
and white collar jobs. Companies doling
out financial services are always on prowl for these type of database. Security becomes necessary. Antiviruses, data
loss prevention, messaging gateway protection, hard disc, file and
folder and removable USB level Encryption becomes critical necessity of this
Sales and marketing Dept. – This department generates revenue for an
organization. They have data of their clients and their requirements. As
personals from this department remains mobile. So BYOD is gaining currency
among them. . Antiviruses, data loss prevention, web and messaging gateway protection, Hard disc, file and
folder and removable USB level Encryption
, gateway to end point mail encryption
, mobile device management, mobile application management coupled with two
factor authentication will provide adequate protection to the devices,
application and data.
IT Department – This department manages the entire IT
infrastructure of an organization. It has to manage server infrastructure,
networking, end points of the users. Its
role becomes critical in the sense that if it gets down then functioning of the
entire organization will come down to notch. The first product which is of extreme
importance for them is back up software for end points and servers. Second is
archiving and third is solution for hardware and software inventory management.
Top management – This level of management is privy to secrets
of all the above mentioned departments. Any IT admin can’t stop them from
accessing there date/mails etc from their own device or from home. Security
becomes critical as any intentional or unintentional loss of data, documents
can have a devastating effect on the entire organization. Antiviruses, data
loss prevention, web and messaging gateway protection, Hard disc, file and
folder and removable USB level Encryption
endpoint to end point mail encryption , mobile device management, mobile
application management coupled with two factor authentication will provide
adequate protection to the devices, applications and data.
Let me know if you have any concerns around the data security or you can get a free check up of your IT infrastructure and processes set for accessing the critical data within your organization from me and my team in Sujata.
Pushkar Nath